Firat Yaman
Data Analyst at Ofcom
Research | Teaching | Media | CV
Picture of Firat Yaman

Hello. Welcome to my website. I am a Data Analyst at the Office of Communications (better known as Ofcom). I am also an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at City, University of London where I worked as a Senior Lecturer in Economics until 2022. While at City, I mainly taught Quantitative Methods, Applied Econometrics, Labour Economics, and Public Economics. I like to support my teaching with technology and I like experimenting with interactive websites to illustrate some of the concepts which I teach. Check out the Teaching link to see more.

My areas of research are too diverse for my own good. I have done some work on the integration of immigrants: Their language acquisition, engagement in their host society, and how their life satisfaction compares to natives.

I have a few research projects analysing the intersection between labour markets, housing, and household finance, e.g., whether homeownership reduces your mobility and thus acts as an obstacle to finding a job, or whether increased competition in commercial banking has led to more mortgage debt among households.

Last but not least, I have also worked with Transport for London to assess the impact of a behavioural nudge on train waiting times and estimate how demand for public transport responds to fare decreases.

Check out the link to my research for more.

© 2022 By Firat Yaman